فحص عدم تحمل الطعام .

Sample Type: Serum


Sample Type: Serum

Single Gene Sequencing/Del/Dup

Sample Type: Dry Blood Spot

Gene panel, Small, Sequencing/Del/Dup by NGS**

Sample Type: Dry Blood Spot

Gene panel, Medium, Sequencing/Del/Dup by NGS**

Sample Type: Dry Blood Spot

Gene panel, Large, Sequencing/Del/Dup by NGS**

Sample Type: Dry Blood Spot

Gliadin, Abs-IgA

Sample Type: Serum

Gliadin, Abs-IgG

Sample Type: Serum


Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis Delta Virus RNA

Sample Type: Plasma - EDTA

Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)

Sample Type: Serum

Glucan β-D

Sample Type: Serum

Glucose, Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Glucose, 1hr Postprandial

Sample Type: Serum

Glucose, 2hr Postprandial

Sample Type: Serum

Glucose, 2hr Post:75g Glucose

Sample Type: Serum

Glucose, Urine

Sample Type: Urine - 24 H Collection

Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)

Sample Type: Serum

Glucose, 1hr Post:75g Glucose

Sample Type: Serum

Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Hepatitis E Virus RNA by PCR

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA


Sample Type: Serum

Herpes Virus Type 8, Abs-IgG

Sample Type: Serum

Growth Hormone

Sample Type: Serum

Haptoglobin II

Sample Type: Serum

Herpes Virus Type 8, PCR

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Helicobacter Pylori, Abs-IgA

Sample Type: Serum

Helicobacter Pylori, Abs-IgG

Sample Type: Serum

Helicobacter Pylori, Abs-IgG

Sample Type: Serum

Helicobacter Pylori, Ag, Stool - Rapid Test

Sample Type: Stool

Helicobacter Pylori, Ag by Urea Breath: 1 Kit

Sample Type: Kindly Request the Kit from DElta Lab

Helicobacter Pylori, Ag by Urea Breath: 5 Kits

Sample Type: Kindly Request the Kit from DElta Lab

Helicobacter Pylori, Ag by Urea Breath: 10 Kits

Sample Type: Kindly Request the Kit from DElta Lab

Helicobacter Pylori, Ag by Urea Breath: 15 Kits

Sample Type: Kindly Request the Kit from DElta Lab

Helicobacter Pylori, Ag by Urea Breath: 20 Kits

Sample Type: Kindly Request the Kit from DElta Lab

Helicobacter Pylori, Ag by Urea Breath - Reading

Sample Type: Urea Breath Set

Hemoglobin A1C (Glycosylated Hb, HbA1C)

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Hemoglobin, Electrophoresis

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis A Virus, Abs-IgG

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis A Virus, Abs-IgM

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis B Core, Abs-IgG

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis B Core, Abs-IgM

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis B Core, Total

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis B Envelop, Abs

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis B Envelop, Ag

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis B Surface Abs (HBs Abs), Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis B SurfaceAg (HBs Ag), Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis B Virus, Viral Load, Quantitative

Sample Type: EDTA - Plasma

Hepatitis B Virus, Genotyping

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Hepatitis C Virus Abs (HCV Abs)

Sample Type: Serum

Hepatitis C Virus , Viral Load, Quantitative

Sample Type: EDTA - Plasma

Hepatitis C Virus, Genotype

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Histamine, plasma

Sample Type: Plasma - EDTA

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1, Viral Load, Quantitative

Sample Type: Plasma - EDTA

Human Imm. Deffi. Vir. 2, Quanti. By PCR

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Herpes Simplex Virus, Type I, Abs-IgG

Sample Type: Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus, Type I, Abs-IgM

Sample Type: Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus, Type II, Abs-IgG

Sample Type: Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus, Type II, Abs-IgM

Sample Type: Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus, Type I & II, Abs-IgM

Sample Type: Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus, Type I & II, PCR

Sample Type: Urine - Random (First Catch)

Herpes Virus Type 6, PCR

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Human Leukocyte Ag, B5, PCR

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Immunoglobulin A, Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Histone, abs

Sample Type: Serum

Homocysteine, Serum

Sample Type: Serum

HomoVanillic Acid, Urine

Sample Type: Urine - 24 H Collection

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-Beta, Quantitative

Sample Type: Serum

Immunoglobulin D, Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Human Imm. Deffi. Vir. 1&2, Combo

Sample Type: Serum

Influenza A (H1N1), PCR

Sample Type: Swab - Nasal

Infliximab Drug, Abs

Sample Type: Serum

Infliximab Level

Sample Type: Serum

Human Leukocyte Ag, B27, PCR

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Human Papilloma Virus, PCR

Sample Type: Liquid Base Cytology

Human T- Cell Lymphotropic Virus I+II, Screen

Sample Type: Serum

Hyaluronic Acid

Sample Type: Serum

Hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid

Sample Type: Urine - 24 H Collection


Sample Type: Serum

Hydroxyproline, Urine

Sample Type: Urine - 24 H Collection

Inhibin A

Sample Type: Serum

Inhibin B

Sample Type: Serum

Immunoglobulin E, Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Immunoglobulin G, CSF

Sample Type: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

Immunoglobulin G, Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Immunoglobulin M, Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Infectious Mononucleosis (Monospot)

Sample Type: Serum

Insulin Growth Like Factor-Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP-3)

Sample Type: Serum

Insulin Resistance, Fasting

Sample Type: Serum

Intrinsic Factor, Abs

Sample Type: Serum

Iodine, Serum

Sample Type: Serum

Insulin Growth Like Factor-1

Sample Type: Serum

Immunoglobulin G, Subclasses

Sample Type: Serum

Insulin Growth Like Factor-2

Sample Type: Serum

Islet Cells Abs

Sample Type: Serum

Insulin, Abs

Sample Type: Serum

Insulinoma Associated, abs

Sample Type: Serum

Interleukin– 2 (IL-2)

Sample Type: Serum

Interleukin-1-Beta (IL1B)

Sample Type: Serum

Interleukin-6 (IL6)

Sample Type: Serum

Interleukin-10 (IL10)

Sample Type: Serum

Interleukin-4 (IL4)

Sample Type: Serum

Lipoprotein (a)

Sample Type: Serum


Sample Type: Serum

Iron (Fe)

Sample Type: Serum

Iron (Fe)

Sample Type: Serum

Iron Binding Capacity - Total (TIBC) [Individual]

Sample Type: Serum

Iron Binding Capacity, Unbound

Sample Type: Serum

Liver Kidney Microsomal, Abs (LKM)

Sample Type: Serum

Lymphocytes CD3-CD4-CD8

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Lysozyme, Serum

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

JAK-2 (V617F/G1849T) Mutation Detection, PCR

Sample Type: Blood - EDTA

Kappa Light Chains, serum

Sample Type: Serum

Keppra (Levetiracetam)

Sample Type: Serum

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